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Equipments for Kho-Kho

Kho-Kho Equipments

2.Two Posts for one Ground.

3.Steel Strings/Ropes.

4.Measuring Tape (Steel) in mtr./cms.

5.Stop Watches (Two on each Ground) calibrated in Seconds.

6.Two Rings having inner diameter of 9 cms. and 10 cms. respectively

7.Score Sheet and Performance chart.

8.Time indicating Board/Placards 1-8 (To indicate time elapsed in a turn),
measuring 20 cms. in length and 4 cms. in width.

9.Red and Yellow Cards.

10.Marking Powder (Lime Powder) and materials required for Ground marking.

11.Tables & Chairs for the officials and players, coach and manager.

12.Blue and Red band for Captains.

13.Blue/Red/Green band for officials (Referee, Umpires, Time Keeper, Scorer-1 and Scorer-2).

14.Number plates 1 to 12 (two sets) of number size 20 cms. * 4 cms.

15.Whistle - 4 to 6.




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